Google Online Security Blog: An update to SafeSearch options for network administrators
The option that they are now permitting is a DNS trick to point users to which will still be SSL enabled, but will not allow the user to disable Safe Search.
The only way to ensure this for all Google search engines is to create a DNS zone for each of Googles search domains.... all 193 or so.
Microsoft doesn't let you create a CNAME entry for the parent zone, but it does allow you to create a DNAME entry, so I came up with this script to create all of the zones.
The script, the google.txt file and some basic instructions can be found here.
(I added the length check because the original text file had some carriage returns at the end.)
As always, no responsibility is accepted for its use.
#Check for the Input file
$FileCheck = Test-Path $inputfile
if ($FileCheck -eq "True")
write-output "Input file located"
write-output "Please supply file containing google zone list"
#Process each line in the Input file and create a zone and DNAME record
foreach ($zone in Get-Content $inputfile)
$len = $zone.length -as [int]
if ($len -gt 5)
write-output "Processing entry $($count). Creating zone for $($zone)"
dnscmd /zoneadd $zone /dsprimary
write-output "Processing entry $($count).Creating DNAME entry for $($zone)"
dnscmd /recordadd $zone "@" DNAME
write-output "Zone data for entry $($count) too short. Not processing."