Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Resize User Photos and Import them into Active Directory Accounts

Resize User Photos and Import them into Active Directory Accounts using PowerShell and ImageMagick.

This script looks in a specified path for photos named with the EmployeeID attribute of the users in a specified OU, resizes the images to the correct size and then writes the images into the thubnailPhoto attribute of the users Active Directory account.

As always, no responsibility is accepted for it's use.

 param([string]$searchbase , [string]$imagepath)  
 #Import the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module  
 import-module ActiveDirectory  
 #Check for Mandatory Parameters  
 if (!$searchbase)  
      write-output 'Usage: ADImages {searchbase} {imagepath}'  
      write-output 'eg. ADImages "OU=Staff,OU=Users,DC=orgname,DC=com,DC=au" \\fileserver\Userimages'  
 if (!$imagepath)  
      write-output 'Usage: ADImages {searchbase} {imagepath}'  
      write-output 'eg. ADImages "OU=Staff,OU=Users,DC=orgname,DC=com,DC=au" \\fileserver\Userimages'  
 #Check if the Searchbase exists  
 $OUCheck = [adsi]::Exists("LDAP://$($searchbase)")  
 if ($OUCheck -eq "True")   
      write-output "Found Searchbase $($searchbase)"  
      write-output "Searchbase $($searchbase) not found"  
 #Check that the Image Path exists  
 $ImageCheck = Test-Path $imagepath  
 if ($ImageCheck -eq "True")  
      write-output "Found Image Path $($imagepath)"  
      write-output "Image Path $($imagepath) not found"  
 #Check for the ImageMagick Conversion Tool  
 $ToolCheck = Test-Path ".\ImageMagick\convert.exe"  
 if ($ToolCheck -eq "True")  
      write-output "ImageMagick tool found"  
      write-output "ImageMagick tool not found. Download from http://www.imagemagick.org/"  
 #Create the Thumbnail directory if it doesn't exist  
 $DirCheck = Test-Path ".\ADThumbs"  
 if ($DirCheck -eq "True")  
      write-output "Thumbnail directory already exists"  
      write-output "Creating Thumbnail directory"  
      New-Item -ItemType directory -Path .\ADThumbs  
 #Get an array of users from the Searchbase  
 $UserList = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $searchbase  
 Foreach ($User in $UserList)  
      #Get the EmployeeID Attribute  
      $EmpID = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $User -Properties employeeID | select -expand employeeID  
      write-host "Looking for Employee Photo for User $($User) with ID $($EmpID)"  
      #Tests to see if the UserImages file exists  
      $FileCheck = Test-Path "$($imagepath)\$($EmpID).jpg"  
      if ($FileCheck -eq "True")   
           #Retrieves JPG files of the target user from the UserImages share  
           $jpgfile = "$($imagepath)\$($EmpID).jpg"  
           $newjpgfileName = ".\ADThumbs\$($EmpID)-AD.jpg"  
           write-output "Scaling $($jpgfile) to $($newjpgfileName)"  
           .\ImageMagick\convert $jpgfile -thumbnail 96 -gravity center -crop 96x96+0-15 +repage -strip $newjpgfileName   
           #Write the thumbnail photo back to the AD user Account  
           $photo = [byte[]](Get-Content $newjpgfileName -Encoding byte)  
           Set-ADUser $User -Replace @{thumbnailPhoto=$photo}  
           #User Image file not found  
           write-output "Employee ID $($EmpID) not found in $($imagepath)"  

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